


保留奧氏虎皮楠之學名 (Daphniphyllum oldhamii (Hemsl.) K. Rosenthal)奧氏虎皮楠是廣佈于臺灣中、低海拔山地的常綠喬木,亦分佈于中國東南。依據 <國際藻類 、真菌和植物命名法規> 之優先權原則,奧氏虎皮楠之學名應為 D. pentandrum Hayata。然而,因 D. oldhamii 已廣泛被系統分類文章、植物誌、其他生物學相關文獻、及圖鑑使用,本研究團隊依據命名法規第14條為使有益於命名法穩定,故提出保留 D. oldhamii ,並已獲得發表。

Tang, M.-S., Y.-P. Yang, S.-H. Liu. 2022. Proposal to conserve the name Daphniphyllum oldhamii against D. pentandrum (Daphniphyllaceae). Taxon. 71: 1116-1117. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/tax.12813

Daphniphyllum pentandrum Hayata was published eight years before D. oldhamii (Hemsl.) K. Rosenthal, thus under Art. 11.4 of the ICN, D. pentandrum is the correct name for this taxon, an evergreen tree widely distributed in southern China and Taiwan. However, D. oldhamii has been widely adopted in many systematic studies and floristic, biochemistry, ecology, forestry, and pharmacological literature, and numerous horticultural websites and books. To preserve nomenclatural stability in the use and application of the name of this taxon (Art. 14.2 of the ICN), we proposed the conservation of D. oldhamii (Hemsl.) K. Rosenthal against D. pentandrum Hayata.
